
aBankruptcy is the legal right of U.S. citizens who wish to see a fresh financial start. It is a legal process with numerous implications but many opportunities. At Neighbors & Howell, PC, our legal team can help you through the entire bankruptcy process. Our goal is to provide you with all the information you need to make the best decision for your future.

A component of filing bankruptcy in the U.S. is ensuring you are qualified to do so. There are several forms of bankruptcy that may apply. If you are struggling with creditor phone calls, at risk of losing your home, or otherwise in need of support as you navigate the financial turmoil you are facing, reach out to us. Allow us to help you determine if bankruptcy could be an option for you.

Our team works closely with you to help you navigate your legal options. This includes Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 cases. We also help with adversary proceedings as they apply to your situation. Allow us to manage the process with you.

You may not have made the decision to file for bankruptcy yet. Even if you have, working with our legal team can provide you with guidance on ensuring you meet every requirement necessary. Set up a consultation with our bankruptcy attorney serving all of Oklahoma today. Allow our team to answer your questions. At Neighbors & Howell, PC, you can count on getting exceptional legal service from a trusted team. Contact us today to learn more.

  • Chapter 7

    Chapter 7 bankruptcy can be life changing. It is an opportunity for you to obtain a financial fresh start if you meet the requirements set under U.S. and Oklahoma law. Our legal team at Neighbors & Howell, PC, can offer guidance and support to you throughout this process.

    Contact our bankruptcy attorney in Del City, OK, to learn more about your qualifications for filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. We can help you determine if you meet the Mean’s Test requirements, what bankruptcy may mean for your assets, and how to stop creditors from harassing you. Do not put off getting the financial support you need.

    Set up a consultation with our Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorney in Oklahoma today. Neighbors & Howell, PC offers comprehensive legal support from trusted, compassionate attorneys.

  • Chapter 13

    Are you struggling with debt? Do you hope to avoid losing your home or other assets but need help managing your credit cards, medical debt, or other debts? Allow our legal team at Neighbors & Howell, PC, to help you. Our Chapter 13 bankruptcy attorneys can offer guidance and insight to you about your legal rights to file bankruptcy. We will work closely with you to help you determine if you qualify, as well as what you can expect from the process.

    At Neighbors & Howell, PC, we know our clients need support and guidance. When you contact us for Chapter 13 bankruptcy support, we will provide you with all of the information and guidance you need. Contact our Chapter 13 bankruptcy attorney in Oklahoma for guidance.

  • Adversary Proceedings

    At Neighbors & Howell, PC, we know how challenging it can be to face adversary proceedings during the bankruptcy process. With our experience and dedicated legal team, we can help you get through this process. When you contact Neighbors & Howell, PC, our legal team will set up a consultation with you to discuss your specific situation. Let us build a legal strategy to help you protect your rights.

    For legal support navigating adversary proceedings in Oklahoma, contact Neighbors & Howell, PC. Set up a consultation to discuss your case with our Del City, OK, bankruptcy attorney. Our experienced team can help you through these challenging situations.

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